Who we are

Unbound’s experienced and expert facilitators come from our CIC’s rich history, offering a carefully curated array of events. We strive to create a special ongoing programme dedicated to bringing movement, art and sound into service of growth and positive change for individuals and communities.  

Our facilitators run commercial classes (open to all not just marginalised groups) and give between 10% and 20% of their revenue to the CIC. This money supports CIC core and administration costs and supports our core work with elders, the disabled and those with mental health issues. 

More information about our facilitators can be found here.

 We also have a significant wider collective of engaged participants working as volunteers in service of our events both commercial and reach out. These volunteer opportunities create free spaces at our events for those in the community who often lack financial resources though benefit from regular and sustained practice. The volunteers also provide an engaged group that helps to steer and support our work. 

 Our board has the lived experience which gives us the ability to deliver events that have an effective and lasting impact. We have three member directors and one non-director member working full and part-time across five aspects of our work: teaching, operations, art, community and business.


Our board is made up of:

Nikki Ashley
Executive Director

Richard Wiltshire
Executive Director

Morag Donnelly
Non-Executive Director 

“One of my biggest learnings was embracing self responsibility. Moving online was a challenge initially. There was a great deal of trust involved. It was vulnerable for everyone and together we explored this new medium.”

— Sue S, Volunteer