About Unbound Moving Arts CIC

Facilitating well-being through the moving and creative arts

 Unbound Moving Arts is a social enterprise offering creative and healing meditative explorations in the form of movement, dance, art, sound and yoga - nurturing strong mental and physical health within the local community, and those online.  

 Around 80% of our funding comes from commercial income, while the other 20% is made up of grants and donations. 

Profits from our commercial events are fed into our reach out programs ~ our ethos that the fruits of our work feeds others who would not otherwise have the opportunity to be nourished by what we do.

The healing practices and forms we offer have a powerful personal impact on people,  promoting healthy bodies and minds for our modern lives. Our work addresses sedentary lifestyles, isolation, depression and absence of community - bringing connection, joy, and inner-calm, as well as inspiring increased self-care and creativity.

The emergence of Covid in March 2020 brought with it strict new rules on the way we worked and what we could offer.  As an organisation we adapted by taking our work online, and then in 2021 outside as well.  

 ‘Simply Being - the garden sessions’ was one example of how one of our regular events adapted to Covid restrictions in early 2021.

 It’s a fact…

During Covid (March-Dec 2020) we moved all our work online with over 2000 participants coming to the 97 events we offered in our various zoom rooms

In 2021 we began to transition back to in person spaces and through a mixture of online and in person offerings 2162 participants benefited from our 157 events 

Our classes have participants from 18 years old to their 90s

Our classes have become a place where our community come to commemorate important life events including marriages, births and deaths